10 Health Benefits Of Black Tea


Tea, the most popular hot beverage all around the world. Sipping noise of this golden colour beverage can be heard each and every single corner in the world .

In india it has been crowned as the most addictive beverage as most of us use this to overcome the fatigue and re-energize ourselves with a hot cup of masala-wali chai.


This aromatic beverage changes many colours from the ever green fresh tea gardens to our tea mug. It’s journey starts from the fresh foliage leaves of tea plant from the evergreen tea garden to the processing where these leaves undergo the process of oxidation before they are dried, Due to this oxidation process the leaves changes it’s colour to black and adds a different flavour to it. It’s much stronger and richer than green tea. Yes there are evidences which proves that black tea promotes weight loss.

Various health benefits include-

  1. Promotes weight loss –It’s caffeine content which is about 2%-4%, raises the BMR (Basal metabolic rate) and promotes breakdown of fat. Also It’s low in calories, sodium and fat.


  1. Reduces cholesterol– As per few studies it helps in reduction of bad chloesterol.It inhibits low density lipoproteins and suppresses fatty acid synthesis. Tea flavonoids have shown reduction in LDL, cholesterol by 11%.


  1. Protects heart– Studies shows that consumption of flavonoids is good to maintain heart health. It improves coronary circulation. Few studies have shown that people who drink black tea regularly stay away from heart conditions like atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases.

Dry black tea with green leaves, isolated on white


  1. Antioxidants– It contains thearubigins, theaflavins, flavonols and catechins which fight against free radical attack and benefits us in various ways.


  1.  Good for bone health -Phytochemicals present in the black tea helps to reduces arthritis and bone disorders. It contains alkylamine- an antigen which brings immunity to body. Due to antioxidant activity it maintains hormonal balance hence improves bone mineral density.


  1. Prevents diabetes– Slows down absorption of sugar , studies indicates that people who drink this often, have low type 2 diabetes.


  1. Anti aging effect– Rich in antioxidants it kills free radicals in the body which causes ageing like wrinkles, fine lines etc. Also it moisturizes and hydrates the skin.

anti ageing

  1. It increases mental alertness and memory.


  1. Reduces stress levels– It has amino acid Theonine, which reduces cortisol production in body.


  1. Reduces cancer risks-  It has shown positive results in curing Gastrointestinal, and prostrate cancer


Few facts about the Tea

Tea has been consumed more than 400 years in the world.

One cup of brewed black tea provides 250mg of flavonoids.

Milk added to the tea, deactivates it’s flavonoids.

Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, next to water.

Quality of the tea depends upon the type of flush it belongs, Tea flush refers to tea growing season in Darjeeling.

First flush, tea leaves has floral ascent and colour of the tea is light and clear.

Second flush, leaves produces much darker colour, fruity flavour and purple bloom. Tea produced is much stronger here.

Third flush, is dark and coppery with mild flavour.

Out of these first flush is the most expensive and in demand

tea leaves



But everything comes with a cost, it too have some side effect if you over consume it.

Some common side effects of Black Tea

  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Sleep problems
  • Avoid if you have anaemia


Different types of black tea

There are plenty of varieties available are

Darjeeling Black Tea – Commonly known as champagne of tea is one of the world’s best tea. This tea delicacy varies from each flush around the year.

Ceylon Black Tea-This variety is from Sri Lanka, this is bolder and stronger.

Java –A medicinal tea, used for many disorders like kidney and urinary tract infections.

It’s used as a diuretic.

java tea

Earl Grey Black Tea- It’s base is ceylon tea but it’s generally flavoured with citrus fruits.

Nilgiri Black Tea- It is from mountains of south india. It’s floral flavour is generally used for ice tea.

Kemum Black Tea- This tea hails from china, it’s flavour is smooth, winey and fruity.


Yunnan Red– This comes from china.




Assam black tea -It has malty flavour, strong and bright colour.

All of these authentic teas are nowadays consumed in blend form as well.

Some of the popular tea blends are

  • Earl Grey Blend– This is very popular blend, made with blending lavender or dried orange.

earl grey


Another very popular blends are

  • English Breakfast
  • Irish breakfast


Different ways to use Black Tea 

Enjoy black tea with various blends like

This one of the popular black tea infusion.

Orange infused black tea


Black Tea-1tsp

Dried orange rind- Few pieces

Cinnamon sticks-1no

Nutmeg- pinch

Add all the ingredients in hot water, let it get soaked for few minutes. Add fresh lime drops if you like

orange blend

Home made Apple Cinnamon Tea

Use dry apple slices, steep in hot with added black tea. Use cinnamon sticks and cloves for strong and spicy flavour. Along with it’s fruity and sweet flavour you can enjoy health benefits too as it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels due to added cinnamon, apples are high in pectin so it provide relief from constipation and other digestive problems.

apple blend



Take dried apricots with tea

Apricots blend very well with black tea infusions, use honey for extra flavour. You can use fresh apricots as well.


Make your own floral Tea Infusions




Rose Tea – Dried rose leaves are infused with black tea. Excellent stress buster and a relaxant tea. The therapeutic effects of rose are well known, it’s not only a coolant but is rich in vit C, malic acid, citric acid. This tea is a great detoxifier.


It works great on your digestive problems, great for liver detoxification, cures gastro entritis disorders.



Jasmine Tea – It’s a tea to calm your soul. Highly aromatic tea to alleviate your senses. It maintains your heart health by reducing the rate of heart attack, it provides immunity from cancer, reduces stress, and helps in reducing cholesterol.

1 tsp of dry jasmine petals can be used. Steep the petals for 1-2 min for that hypnotic blend.



Lavender tea– Excellent for calming your senses. It’s recomended for insomnia, depressive headaches, migraine and anxiety disorders. You can use dry lavender or fresh buds for making tea.


Leaves Tea Infusion

Lemon Grass Infusion – Very refreshing, energizing tea to excite your nerves. Simply boil lemon grass fresh leaves, brew black tea in the same water.

Can add a piece of ginger for that extra strong flavour.

For all the tea, flavour depends upon the steep time and temperature of the water.

Important point to consider is water should be less than boiling, around 80°C.







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