Top 7 Healthy Homemade Lemonade

Summers are hitting hard, and importance of hydration can’t be ignored. It’s the high time to start hydrating yourself with ice-cold homemade lemonades if you haven’t started as of now. Natural drinks are many ways better than high-calorie sugar-laden beverages.

Why you require lemonade during summers
If you are feeling lethargic and slow, it’s probably due to excess sweating and electrolyte imbalance and it’s the high time to check your electrolytes.

During summer we need to replenish our electrolytes from time to time, else it will lead to dehydration, some common side effects of dehydration are dry mouth, lack of energy, low blood pressure, dizziness, low urine output.
But do not overload yourself with sugary drinks instead choose healthy options for homemade lemonade.


Homemade lemonades, when made along with the fruit combination, are the ideal to quench the thirst and provide necessary minerals which are lost during excessive sweating.
“Vit C provides an excellent medium for the absorption of minerals in the body as these, minerals are better absorbed in a slightly acidic environment that’s why I have chosen homemade lemonade here”.

How to make homemade lemonade

Take 1cup of lime juice, 2 cups of water. 3 tbsp brown sugar. Cook till its reduced to half.

Generally, a lot of sugar is used in lemonades, but we are using 2-3 tbsp of brown sugar. Rest of the sugar can be compensated with fruit pulp.

Cool it down.

Watermelon Lemonade

Watermelon is 92% water and is ideal fruit for summers. In addition, it’s rich in lycopene, citrulline and beta-carotene.
Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid and is responsible for nitric oxide which in turn increases blood flow and releases energy in the body. This supports the reason why watermelon juice is a great pre-workout drink.
Watermelon – 1 Cup
Lime Juice     –     1 Tsp
Fresh Cherry –   Half Cup
Crush ice and watermelon together to make a smoothie, add lime juice and deseeded cherries.



Image source: Google

Coconut Lemonade
Coconut water is considered as an ideal to replenish our lost electrolytes. It contains all the essential minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and other important minerals. Apart from keeping you rehydrated it helps in weight loss too, it is found to be antimicrobials and fights with harmful bacteria.
For coconut lemonade
Coconut water            –  2 cups
Tender Coconut flesh-  1/4 cup
Lemonade                     – 2tsp
Grind all of them and serve chilled.

coconut lemonade

Image source: Google


Cherry Lemonade

Cherries are full of antioxidants. It keeps skin soft and hydrated in summers, Cherries are one of the main ingredients in skin care products nowadays because of their property to lighten skin and restore skin moisture. It’s not only good for skin but makes the hair smooth and shiny.

Fresh Cherries- 1 Cup

Lemonade       – 2 tsp

Boil cherries in 4 cups of water let it thickens and concentrate, squeeze out the pulp along with the water. Cool it down and add the lemonade. Do not add extra sugar.



Raw Mango Lemonade
This mango lemonade is made from half-ripe mango and is one of the favourite summer drink in India. Half-ripe mangoes are boiled and pulp is squeezed out. Add sugar or jaggery, fennel powder, black salt, black pepper.

aam panna

Image source: Google

Pineapple chilli lemonade
Spicy green chilli with pineapple juice is the season for this flavour.


Blackberry Lemonade
Prepare lemonade, for the blueberries. I have taken fresh ones.
Boil blackberries with water, slightly mash up and strain, Add honey and cinnamon powder as it gels very well with blackberries.IMG_0097



Ginger- Mint –Lemonade
This is very refreshing and loaded with medicinal properties of ginger. Add crushed ginger, mint leaves and 2 tbsp lemonade.


Image source: Google

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